For foreign and domestic companies and branches including also provision of fundamental management data. Preparation of balance sheet not only according to the Hungarian Act on Accounting but also IFRS and US GAAP.

Systematic bookkeeping is the basis of preparing the statutory financial statements. Even more, it supplies valuable information about the company’s status, thus, enabling the right decision making. Importance of bookkeeping is often underestimated. If it operates as a part of a complex computer system, it is practically able to deliver the management all the required data. We can provide these controlling evaluations in different languages depending on client’s demand. If requested, we can generate the outbound invoices of our clients with the help of a billing software program fully meeting the strict prescriptions.

Hiring an external accounting company for carrying out bookkeeping tasks ensures that your accounting is done in a professional manner. Even if a responsible employee of our clients fails to work for any reason, we are able to supply clients with the required information. As a part of bookkeeping, we monitor receivables and payables and provide you the relevant information. When required, we prepare the payment reminders, and our clients post them at their discretion. Based on the accounting data, we also prepare the financial reports needed for management information.

Tax return

The preparation and submission of monthly and quarterly tax returns are included in accounting tasks carried out by our company. After completion of the balance sheet, tax returns often need to be amended. Successful tax revisions always require tax returns being in line with balance sheet figures regarding all types of tax obligations. Our staff members prepare your tax returns under supervision of tax advisers and with the use of the right forms required by the tax authority and meeting all deadlines. At the same time, leading managers of our company act for our clients before authorities comprehensively based on clients’ commission.

Balance sheet preparation

The annual profit and loss statement as well as the balance sheet show the results of your company and serves as basis for definition of tax payment obligation. Therefore, the preparation of the balance sheet is highly important among our services. Long-years-experience in various professional fields enables us to prepare the optimum balance sheet for our clients. During the preparation of the balance sheet, we ensure that all statutory prescriptions are fulfilled while paying special attention to deadlines and obligatory formalities.

In the case of special transactions such as corporate takeover or transformation, it is recommended to consult an expert concerning the most effective realization. These transactions are often connected with higher tax risks that can be mitigated by professional advice obtained at the right time. Our professionals have extensive experience in these issues.


Payroll accounting has grown rather sophisticated in the recent years, therefore, it requires continuously updated expertise. Our professionals do payroll observing all regulations – with special regard to social security – and our clients always receive the list of their payment obligations in due time. With our payroll service we assure that your employees do not have insight into incomes of each other as we give you the payroll tickets in personalized envelopes; if required, we mail them to the address of your employees. We work with the NEXON program, being the most frequently used software of this kind in Hungary.