Seres Péter -sidebarI have more than 20 years long audit experience, living in Békéscsaba. I get my assignments, often comprising multiple cycles, decisively from small and medium-sized companies engaged in agriculture, food industry, environmental protection, construction and printing industry, but I have experience also in audit of small financial and budgetary institutions. As a specific field, I have submitted auditor’s opinion in connection with projects of organizations funded by resources of the European Union.
During my audit jobs, I am in continuous contact with financial CEO of the company to be audited. I am active also as judicial expert. My work can be characterized by continuous innovation, wide-range application of information technology, I am open for best practices, quickly apply new solutions and convey “best practice” information to my colleagues.
At the Szent István University in Gödöllő, I read lectures where I try to catch the students’ interest using simply-to-understand figures.